2021-07-10 - Mango Lassi


~ 4.0 mi @ ~24 min/mi

"My wife would shoot me if I brought a pumpkin-flavored one into the house!" says a Whoopie Pie connoisseur. At the Garrett Park Farmers Market 🐻y snags an ice-cold mango lassi. The hike back finds new cut-throughs in an industrial zone at the dead-end of Wyaconda Rd, but is ultimately stymied by what appears to be an impenetrable barrier. Later, looking down through a gap in the bushes by Parklawn Dr, a cache of empty beer bottles points the way to a steep hidden path bordered with poison ivy. Who knew? Near the end of the Saturday morning walkabout comrade 🐧 drives past and greets us. Small world!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-08-04